
DripDrop is a rapidly growing CPG brand that came to Bukwild to help bring their direct-to-consumer (DTC) experience from JV to varsity level. As the brand is building momentum and growing its online and brick & mortar presence, their category is becoming increasingly competitive. Meanwhile, the pandemic accelerated e-commerce growth, which meant succeeding in DTC was essential.

The Client
DripDrop is a packaged oral rehydration solution that helps people prevent and recover from dehydration caused by a variety of factors: illness, physical exertion, hangovers, heat… the list goes on. DripDrop has a unique formula that improves the body’s ability to absorb liquids when it’s mixed with water. DripDrop has science on their side – it’s been shown to be as effective as an IV when used in medical settings, and was originally created by a doctor as a more portable alternative to IV therapy in disaster relief and mission situations in hard-to-reach parts of the world.

The Challenge
While DripDrop’s digital team already had an effective acquisition strategy in place to drive people to the site and purchase for the first time, they knew that as more competitors moved in, building repeat purchases and loyalty would be the key to the long-term success of the brand. The restrictions posed by an existing Shopify theme didn’t allow the team to tell users everything they needed to know about the product, and layer in the type of brand storytelling that is critical to making a lasting impression.

The Job of the Website
We set out to deliberately clarify information and simplify decisions based on the different use cases throughout the site. This meant:

  • Helping first-time purchasers by clearly communicating the problem DripDrop solves, and making product choices easy by logically ranking the decisions they need to make.
  • Helping repeat purchasers get the right amount for their household by simplifying subscriptions and making it easy to understand the right size product and amount needed, based on their needs.
  • Helping everyone feel confident in the brand by weaving a relatable amount of science and brand storytelling into the shopping experience.
  • Help DripDrop’s digital team by using a headless CMS that allowed them to enjoy all the benefits of Shopify, while being able to create custom landing pages at will, and easily scale the website to match their growing product portfolio.

Check out more recent work.

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We’re sorry to report Bukwild.com doesn’t support your browser. While we could have polyfilled most of the features your browser lacks (CSS variables, canvas Path2D, NodeList.forEach, etc.), we decided to put that effort into juicing the site for modern browsers and keeping the download smaller so we could really blow your hair back.

We suggest downloading Chrome to view the site, it’s our favorite browser. Cheers!