Matt Aebersold

Senior Developer

Matt joined the Buk team in 2010 to build flash applications from banners all the way up to deep, integrated executions. He then returned to the fold in 2020 with a wealth of ecommerce and Shopify experience, as well as an advanced ability to create top-caliber themes and integrations. When he's not busy building beautiful sites behind the scenes, you can find him underneath a vintage Porsche swearing at the old bolts that refuse to come loose.

Unsupported browser

We’re sorry to report doesn’t support your browser. While we could have polyfilled most of the features your browser lacks (CSS variables, canvas Path2D, NodeList.forEach, etc.), we decided to put that effort into juicing the site for modern browsers and keeping the download smaller so we could really blow your hair back.

We suggest downloading Chrome to view the site, it’s our favorite browser. Cheers!